Initial Orders
- $500 first time order minimum
- Credit Card or other prepayment required for upon order
- Free 5ml tester after ordering 3+ of specific SKU
- Invoices will be emailed in pdf format from
Order & Shipping Terms
- Orders under $300 will be charged a $15 admin fee
- Free shipping for orders containing only essential oils and hemp extract products
Orders are processed Mon-Fri during normal business hours
Orders guaranteed to ship within 5 business days, most ship in 48 hours; backorders/ initial orders may take longer
Shipping for accessories: $7-$15
Shipping for hand sanitizer: $5 per case
- Discounted shipping on hand sanitizer with each $100 of essential oils or hemp products (Ex. $500 dollars purchased, free shipping for 5 cases)
- Shipping is limited to the United States and U.S. territories
Forever Guarantee – Anyone can return any product for any reason FOREVER!
- Return shipping cost is the responsibility of the customer
- Product cost will be refunded upon the arrival of said product at our location
- When purchased on discounts amounting more than 30%, returns will be charged a 20% restocking fee
- Returns of damaged products are not required